Recent scam alerts

A resident recently made us aware of a scam which is targeting blocks of flats. Intruders are pretending to be delivery drivers or other services to gain unauthorised access to these buildings.

Their primary objective is to collect personal information from post left in letter boxes so they can use the details for fraudulent activities.

Usually, they will use this information to set up credit cards in that person’s name, without them knowing, and will collect it from the address once it’s been delivered.

Please be extra vigilant when granting people access to your building. Our staff and contractors will always have ID, so if they haven’t got any, or if it doesn’t look real, then please don’t let them in. If you’re unsure please contact us and we will be able to confirm it for you.

Rosebery Housing is a trading name of Town and Country Housing, which is a subsidiary within the Peabody Group and is a charitable Registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, registered with the Financial Conduct Authority No. 30167R. Registered office: Town and Country Housing, Monson House, Monson Way, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1LQ. Rosebery Housing provides housing and repair services to customers in Surrey and West Sussex, supporting sustainable communities by forging strong partnerships, working closely with local customers and creating local jobs.

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