Housing rent is calculated weekly, starting on a Monday. So, when there are 53 Mondays in a year, there is an extra week of rent to pay.
The financial year 2024/25 is a 53-week rent year, which means your rent will be charged 53 times instead of 52.
This will affect all Rosebery Housing tenants where the rent is charged weekly. If you pay monthly, you can work out what you will need to pay by multiplying your weekly rent by 53 and dividing that number by 12. This will give you your monthly rent payment for the year.
If you receive Housing Benefit the cost of this extra week will be covered. If you receive Universal Credit, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has said it won’t pay any extra to cover this. This means that you will need to pay a little extra each week or month (depending on when you pay your rent) to ensure your rent is covered and you don’t fall into arrears.
If you pay by Direct Debit you don’t need to do anything, we will calculate this for you and automatically adjust your payments accordingly.
Please note that this does not affect Shared Ownership or Leasehold tenancies.
If you would like to discuss this issue, or are unsure what to do, please get in touch with our Income Team on 01372 814 000 or email rent@rosebery.org.uk