At Rosebery we aim to deliver the highest possible standards of service to our residents. To ensure that this can be achieved, we need to receive residents’ views and feedback on how we are doing. This helps us to design and deliver continuous service improvements.
We work with an independent market research company called IFF Research, who may contact you to ask for your feedback. They will ask questions around how you think we are doing as a landlord and about the services we provide. From 1 April 2021, IFF Research will be changing their telephone number and will include a London area code. The new number that they will be calling from will be 0208 049 5758. IFF strictly adheres to the guidance of the Market Research Society, they will always explain who they are when they call and will ask if you are willing to complete the survey. Rest assured they will not ask you any personal or financial questions.
Launching CX-feedback
In addition to using IFF Research, Rosebery will be using a new method of gathering satisfaction feedback. Initially we will be starting with our repairs service but we plan to roll this out to other key frontline services. The aim of this is to gather more information about what we do well and how we can improve. We will be using a system called ‘CXfeedback’, which allow us to send out SMS texts and emails. From April, you may receive an SMS text or email, after any repairs that we have carried out, inviting you to complete an online survey. It will come from Rosebery or CX-feedback, and will contain your first name, so you will know that it is genuine. Please take a couple of minutes to fill in this survey, if you receive one.
Although our approach will be to make better use of digital technology to collect information of this kind, we still plan to also use non-digital methods to get in touch about our services.
The responses from the surveys are not shared with any other organisation or used for marketing purposes. However, as part of our continuous service improvement aims, a member of Rosebery’s Customer Experience Team may follow up these calls to clarify any issues raised or to invite you to a focus group, where we will offer you ‘Love2Shop’ shopping vouchers as a thank you for your time.
Taking part in the surveys is completely voluntary, but we do encourage you to give us your feedback so that we can use the results to improve the services we provide. If you have any queries or require any further information, please contact us.