Forming a key part of our Customer Engagement Strategy, these Service
Innovation Groups enable residents to have a greater say and influence
on decisions made about key areas of our services.
They have held reviews into a variety of service areas, focusing on
important areas such as our Repairs service. Rosebery also works with
Wordnerds, a company that specialises in capturing data from residents’
surveys to better understand what influences resident satisfaction. We
pull together and synthesise Wordnerds’ data, together with our own
feedback from Service Innovation Group reviews, in order to paint an
accurate picture of the service areas we explore.
One of the main areas of our attention has been the resident portal and
its perceived usefulness to residents. The Service Innovation Group has
gathered residents’ comments about the functionality of the portal and
the overall user-friendliness of this platform to the resident community.
This feedback is invaluable to the organisation and it has provided the
basis for an action plan for the portal. We pride ourselves on responding
to residents’ feedback – You said… We’re doing.