Moving Home

Here you will find information about mutual exchanges and internal transfers.


  • What is a transfer?

    This is when a Rosebery resident requests to move from their current home because it’s no longer suitable for them. Transfer applications will only be accepted if the resident applying:

    • has lived in their home for at least one year
    • does not have rent arrears before the transfer takes place
    • does not have a current Notice of Seeking Possession
    • is not being investigated for Anti-Social Behaviour
    • has not neglected or damaged their home
    • has a clear need to move to another property, such as downsizing
  • Where can I make a transfer application?

    You will need to complete our transfer application form and we’ll then add you to our transfer list, where points will be awarded depending on your circumstances. People with the most urgent need will be given the highest priority.

    Please contact us for a form.

  • What is the points system?

    Points will usually be given only if the location or condition of the resident’s home is causing or making worse a medical condition or disability they have. The resident must complete a medical form and their GP’s/consultants can provide additional information where needed. The medical priorities are:

    Immediate transfer required
    100 points
    Where the applicants health is seriously affected by
    their housing condition.
    20 points
    Minor health issues
    5 points


    2 children of opposite sex
    when oldest reaches 6
    10 points per room
    plus – points per year for each year of waiting
    starting when the oldest child reaches 6
    2 points per year
    2 children of same sex points per year starting
    when oldest reaches 10
    2 points per year
    Statutory overcrowding10 points

    Children in flats above ground floor

    Without own garden until youngest child is 8 years old
    1st floor5 points
    2nd floor10 points

    Other criteria

    Per room
    20 points
    Time points
    Per year up to a maximum of 5 years
    2 points
    Decants to other homes because
    improvements are needed to be carried out by us
    100 points
    Management Transfer
    Points given in special circumstances because of
    serious issues connected to the resident’s home
    that has resulted in immediate personal risk to them
    if they stay there. Perpetrators of harassment,
    anti-social behaviour and domestic violence will not
    normally be housed
    100 points
    Discretionary points
    These may be given by us in certain circumstances,
    e.g. fostering
    100 points
  • Are there any reasons why I would not be able to transfer to another home?

    You will not be considered for a transfer for the following reasons:

    • You are in rent arrears.
    • You have a current Notice of Seeking Possession.
    • Any other breach of tenancy.
    • Your property is not in a satisfactory condition.
    • The property you want to move to is too big or too small for your needs.
    • The property you want to move to has been adapted and you do not have a requirement for an adaptation.
    • The property you currently have is adapted and the one you want to move to is not adapted but you still require the adaptation.

Mutual exchange

  • What is a mutual exchange?

    This is when two or more residents swap homes and tenancies. An exchange can be between two or more Rosebery residents or between a Rosebery resident and residents of another registered social landlord or local authority.

  • Who is allowed to apply for a mutual exchange?

    Residents who have either an assured, secure or fixed term tenancy are allowed to apply. Those on starter tenancies cannot exchange, but will be allowed to once they move on to an assured tenancy. Residents with assured shorthold tenancies or other non-secured tenancies are not allowed to exchange.

    Residents must have the consent of all landlords involved before the exchange can go ahead.

  • How do I go about finding a home to exchange with?

    We provide you with free access to Homeswapper where you can register online, create your own home advert and see what other homes are available to swap to. HomeSwapper will then inform you of potential exchange partners by email or text message.

  • How do I apply for a mutual exchange?

    Please complete the following mutual exchange form:

  • What does the mutual exchange process involve and how long does it take?

    All residents must ask for written permission before they can move home. We then have 42 calendar days to respond with our decision. Before agreeing to an exchange, we will check the home and confirm whether it’s in good enough condition. If we agree, residents are expected to move within three months of this decision, unless there are exceptional circumstances such as bereavement or ill health. If a resident does not move within three months, we may reconsider the application to exchange. The rent that is charged to the incoming resident will be charge to the current resident. The other resident involved in the exchange can change their mind at any point, we have no control over this.

  • Are there reasons that Rosebery might refuse an application?

    We will not unreasonably withold consent for a mutual exchange, but sometimes this is necessary.

    Reasons for refusal include:

    • the resident is involved in either a court order or notice of seeking possession; or legal action has been taken against them or a member of their household because of anti-social behaviour
    • the property that the resident wishes to move into is too large or too small for their needs
    • the property is part of or is located within the grounds of a non-housing building; it’s part of a sheltered scheme; it has features which make it particularly suitable for people with disabilities

    We’ll let the resident know our reasons for not agreeing to a mutual exchange within 42 days of receiving the request.

  • I have an assured tenancy, but I'm exchanging my home with a resident on a fixed term tenancy. Will I still keep my lifetime tenancy?

    A resident who exchanges takes on the rights and responsibilities of the resident they exchange with, which includes accepting any change of tenancy status that may occur.

Rosebery Housing is a trading name of Town and Country Housing, which is a subsidiary within the Peabody Group and is a charitable Registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, registered with the Financial Conduct Authority No. 30167R. Registered office: Town and Country Housing, Monson House, Monson Way, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1LQ. Rosebery Housing provides housing and repair services to customers in Surrey and West Sussex, supporting sustainable communities by forging strong partnerships, working closely with local customers and creating local jobs.

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